Steven Berinti (he/him), Parole Success Advocate
I am a Parole Success Advocate who recently returned to society after over 21 years of incarceration. I am a graduate of the Occupational Mentor Certification Program (OMCP) where I achieved my certification as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor (SUDCCI). I am also a college graduate, multiple AA degrees, and am currently working on my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
While incarcerated, I facilitated many groups, and was a positive asset to my community within, working as a mentor for the Youth Offender Program (YOP), and working as a Substance abuse counselor in the Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment (ISUDT) facility with those who suffer with co-occurring disorders. Since being released, I have continued my living amends by helping build community and assist in personal healing working as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor and a safety team member for a reentry housing and education program. On my free time, I enjoy intensive workouts, hiking, gardening, and going to music concerts and baseball games.
In my role as a Parole Success Advocate at Uncommon Law, I facilitate the Home
After Harm curriculum, assisting incarcerated individuals in personal healing and
accountability, which will help them achieve parole and successful integration back into society.